A role model, a tutor, a mentor - go beyond the occasional tutoring session, and take all of these with you on holiday.
“Benedict has joined us as a tutor and mentor to our three children on several family holidays, as well as a 3 month sabbatical in Morocco. He made juggling teaching 3 different ages and abilities look effortless (it wasn’t!), and the children loved that he could teach so much beyond the classroom as well. With cricket and football practice in breaks, and endless fun games to play, his energy and enthusiasm were boundless.”
Holidays should always be about recharging the batteries first and foremost. However, it’s also a time where a small amount of work can pay off massively for a student. Whether it’s consolidating some tricky topics from the previous term, or really getting ahead of the competition for an upcoming exam, an expert tutor can help ensure your child goes back to school the following term raring to go.
Without the pain of forcing the children into a kids club, or the guilt of sitting them down in front of screens for hours, get a little time to yourself on your next holiday - you’ve earned it. Whether it’s a game of beach cricket, or a round of hide and seek, you’ll almost miss the pestering to take part now there’s an exciting young person to play with!
Can you think of a better role model than someone that’s worked hard to earn a place at one of the best universities in the world? Is there anyone better to look up to than somebody who made the most of their teenage years to get ahead in everything they set their mind to? You’ll find your children aspiring to be just like the driven, kind-hearted, and successful mentor they enjoyed spending time with so much.
We listen to your children’s exact interests and needs, and pair you with the perfect tutor to match those.
We set up either a virtual or in-person meeting between yourself, your children, and your mentor, to check it’s the ideal fit.
You have the brilliant role model and tutor to accompany you and to guide your children whilst on holiday!
Interested in getting paired with the perfect University of Oxford or University of Cambridge mentor to go on holiday with you and your children? Get in contact below, and we’ll be in touch very soon to liaise about your unique needs.
“Our tutor was smart, and very sporty! I especially liked playing sports with him, and loved how he said practice makes permanent not perfect!”